2024/2025 School Enrollment Information
If you are interested in having your child attend Vail Academy & High School for the rest of the 2024-2025 school year, please fill out the following interest form:
2025/2026 School Enrollment Information
If you are interested in having your child attend Vail Academy & High School for the 2025-2026 school year, please fill out the following interest form:
VAHS Interest Form for 2025-2026 school year
Have questions about the VAHS lottery process?
Click here to watch the VAHS Lottery Explanation Video
All students who are currently enrolled at VAHS are automatically enrolled for the following school year. Vail residents with siblings currently enrolled at VAHS are given priority.
Non - Vail Residents: 2025- 2026 Open Enrollment Application
Incoming kindergarteners: We invite you and your upcoming kindergartener to learn more about our school, programs and teachers at our Kindergarten Roundup on Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at 5 PM. Please RSVP to taylorte@vailschooldistrict.org or 520-879-1949. Children must be five years of age prior to September 1, 2025 to attend kindergarten for the 2025/2026 school year.
Vail Academy & High School is no longer a charter school. As a “school of choice” in the Vail School District, out-of-district students must now submit Open Enrollment paperwork. Non-Vail residents are no longer required to submit Open Enrollment paperwork for each student for each school year.